As part of your preparations for a limousine road trip, it is crucial that your automobile fulfills all essential requirements for an enjoyable journey. At minimum, these include:
- Driver’s license and limousine registration
- Proof of insurance coverage,
- An up-to-date map showing your location,
- CD/radio player with music options
- First aid supplies
- Money orders or credit cards
- Cameras with chargers for mobile phones
2. Select an Appropriate Limousine
When planning a limo road trip, creating a list of key considerations is vitally important to securing an ideal limousine that matches up with your individual requirements. These pointers should help guide the selection process.
- Decide the purpose for your road trip in a limousine – is it simply an outing, an important event like a wedding, or relaxing weekend escape?
- Choose an appropriate season – limousine rentals tend to become more costly during busy holiday periods like Christmas.
- Consider who and the size of your party when renting a limousine. A limousine typically seats 12 passengers at once.
- Before selecting your limousine road trip option, it is crucial that you obtain a cost estimate as the costs associated with hiring one can range anywhere between $150 to over $2,000 per hour of service.
- Verify the limousine can meet all your specific transportation needs – GPS tracking, blind spot monitoring or temperature control are just a few examples – before selecting it as transportation for yourself and/or guests.
- Consider what level of privacy matters most to both of you; some limos provide privacy curtains while some don’t.
- Choose your service type of choice: open bar without drivers or chauffeur-driven vehicle equipped with luxurious facilities like bar and DVD player?
3. Tip Your Driver
It is crucial that when planning a luxurious limousine road trip you know how much of a tipping range to give to the driver.
Here’s a comprehensive book with advice to make this road journey successful.
- Determine how far your driver has traveled overall; this will give an estimate of their typical tip amount.
Consider what kind of service was provided. - Based on their quality, tip between 20-25 percent of what you spent. So if your driver covered 10 miles for $200 worth of transportation expenses. That would amount to $20-25 in tips.
- Remember, gratuities are common at special events like weddings and birthdays; simply add it onto the total amount that was already left above. As promised: here’s your definitive guide for tipping your limousine driver on an unforgettable road trip!
Travelling in a limousine
4. Should You Get Lost
If your limo road trip should become unruly or you become disorientated during its course, here are a few strategies to help find your way home quickly and safely.
- Stay calm! Do not hesitate to ask the driver of your limo to use its GPS devices, since these come equipped with them.
- If that does not help, locate an online map or guidebook as an additional aid.
Should you become thirsty or hungry during a limousine journey, make sure that there is ample water and food on hand to satisfy these cravings. - As limousines frequently stop along their routes, extra supplies of both may prove useful in keeping yourself hydrated and full.
- On your limo road trip, try not to talk on your cell phone too often – you can catch up once you arrive! Also remember that maintaining composure should you become lost is key; limousines are expensive cars so any unnecessary tension or distress shouldn’t arise in this regard.
5. Planning A Successful Limo Road Trip
Although planning a road trip by limousine may be challenging, ensuring everything runs according to plan is achievable with an effective checklist such as that below.
Make a list of your basic travel requirements, from attendees at your party and season of travel, to desired daily mileage allocation and finances allocation.
- Once this has been determined, investigate various limo companies until you find one which best matches up with your criteria.
- Make arrangements for a driver or chauffeur to pick you up at home or hotel and transport you. Confirm that all paperwork such as passport, driver’s license and car registration is in order.
- On a limousine road trip, bring snacks, beverages, and entertainment with you. If your destination lies outside a city center, make sure that there is enough cash on hand.
- Make a list of locations along the route you plan to explore and decide which would provide the greatest overall impression in an acceptable amount of time.
- Plan enough time and enjoy every second of your journey – be sure to capture each memory through photos and videos!
By creating and following a checklist for your limo road trip, a checklist may help keep things on track and guarantee an unforgettable journey.
Use this checklist to plan every aspect of your trip, such as where and what attire will be necessary for stopping along the route, what to do if lost while travelling and the correct tip amount to leave for drivers and chauffeurs.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read! It is greatly appreciated.